03. Welcome to the Product Manager Nanodegree program

Welcome to the Product Manager Nanodegree Program! Hi, my name is Matt Hui and I am a Product Lead here at Udacity.

In this Nanodegree program, you will become exposed to the foundational skills of a product manager to take a product from idea to launch. Through hands-on exercises, you will be provided with opportunities to apply product management frameworks, tools, and methodologies across strategy, design, development, and marketing. As you go through the program, you will work on projects that allow you to take a software product through its entire lifecycle, simulating typical scenarios and decisions that a product manager would face when delivering a new product into the market. After completing this program, you will have driven the discovery, design, development, and delivery stages of a proposed software product.

Moreover, you will learn from experienced product managers who have had hands-on experience leading the development of industry-leading software at some of the world’s most renowned tech companies like Uber, Google, and FutureAdvisor. In addition, you will have the opportunity to experience the various challenges and opportunities that product managers face when launching both B2B and B2C products.

The skills gained in this Nanodegree Program will not only prepare you with the hard skills of being a product manager but also empower you with the soft skills to work cross-functionally in order to bring software products to market in an organization. Whether you are an aspiring product manager looking to transition into Product at a tech company or a product owner looking to better understand what it takes to manage software product development, Udacity’s Product Manager Nanodegree Program will equip you to lead the development of new software products within an organization.

The project you submit gets reviewed and our project reviewers will provide personalized feedback on how you can improve your work. This project will serve as a portfolio you can use to demonstrate your skills. We are excited and honored that you are taking this step in your educational journey with us.